Bakuba Catwalk
Bakuba Catwalk was an interactive video installation featuring a virtual fashion collection created by Chinedu Ukabam of Chinedesign for the Royal Ontario Museum in October 2014. Conceived as an "open-source" fashion show, the audience was invited to insert themselves into the action by walking the runway or instagramming photos from the press pit. Dating back to the 1600s, Bakuba cloth are embroidered raffia textiles that originate from the Congo. Admired and coveted around the world for their geometric brilliance and abstract improvisation, Bakuba cloth (also known as Kasai velvet) serve as the main inspiration for the digital print patterns that Chinedu designed for this virtual collection. A capsule collection was designed exclusively for the show and they are now available for sale for the first time!
(Prices are in Canadian Dollars so US orders are currently discounted by about 25% due to the current exchange rate)